How the Success Probability Assessment is Scored
The Success Probability Assessment assumes that individuals with specific perspectives, habits, practices and beliefs, have a greater probability of achieving goals. Our assumptions have been compiled from research, biographies of individuals that have achieved significant goals, and the most recent practices deployed by coaches whose clients have had significant success. The questions that are provided in the assessment give transparency to each individual’s current disposition in relation to these attributes.
For example, we assume that:
Individuals that keep their word have a higher probability of achieving goals than people that don’t.
The measure we use for this assumption is:
“Keeping your word has high value to you”
Each question we ask has been given a weighted value.
The total potential value for this specific question is 2.25%
The question we ask to provide transparency is:
How important is it to you that you keep your word?
These are the answer choices we’ve provided along with the score for each question in parenthesis:
Extremely Important (5) *This is the total possible score*
Important (4)
Moderately Important (3)
Not Very Important (2)
Not Important at All (1)
We then take the score as a percentage of the total possible score, and multiply it by the value.
If the answer chosen for this question is Moderately Important, the score is 3.
3 is 60% of the total possible score of 5 (3 out of a possible 5 points).
The value for this particular question is 2.25 (as shown in the table below).
Taking the score as a percentage of the total possible score (60%) and multiplying it by the value of the question (2.25), we get a final value of 1.35 for this question.
We then take all the final values for all the questions and add them together to get the total final value for the assessment. The last 10 questions are the Ontological Score. This is a measure of your clarity concerning your purpose in the world.
The total possible score is 150. Your final percentage score is a percentage of 150. So if you score 120 total points, your score would be 120/150 or 80%.
As of 3/11/2022, the table below shows each question and its weighted value:
Assessment Question | Value |
How important is it to you that you keep your word? | 2.25 |
What percentage of the time would you say that you actually keep your word? | 3 |
Do you have and use an effective method or methods to increase or maintain your willpower, focus and energy when it becomes diminished? | 2.25 |
Do you have a powerful image of what your life will look like when you achieve your most significant long term goals? | 7 |
Do you consistently maintain a very clear picture of what your next steps will be in the process of achieving your goals? | 2.25 |
Do you use the first waking hour of your day to get yourself into the mindset necessary to have a successful day? | 3 |
Do you use music or other media to generate theta brainwaves while learning, working or developing habits? | 2.25 |
How often do you prioritize your time, energy and focus? | 3 |
Do you tend to do things that need to be done right away or do you tend to put things off until later? | 2.25 |
How do you manage your limiting beliefs? | 3 |
How do you view the obstacles you face while attempting to achieve your goals? | 2.25 |
When something unwanted happens, do you tend to see it as your responsibility or someone else’s? | 2.25 |
Have you decided what the purpose of your life is? | 7 |
If you are doing something challenging, do you expect things to get consistently better? | 2.25 |
Do you meditate? | 5 |
How would you rate yourself in terms of your overall social skills? | 2.25 |
Are you able to clearly determine which emotions others are experiencing? | 2.25 |
How would you rate your ability to manage your own emotions? | 5 |
Do you push yourself out of your comfort zone enough to make mistakes and fail? | 2.25 |
How skilled do you consider yourself at reading body language? | 2.25 |
Do the 5 people you spend the most time with clearly support you in reaching your goals? | 3 |
Do you have a coach or mentor that you work with on your priority goals? | 3 |
Do you have a group of people you leverage for support? | 7 |
Have you set firm, short term and long term, time bound, achievable, measurable goals? | 3 |
How consistently do you keep documented track of your progress towards your goals? | 2.25 |
Are you using processes to achieve your goals that have already worked for someone else? | 5 |
Would you say that strategy is more about choosing what you don’t do more than about choosing what you don’t do? | 2.25 |
How many top priorities are you currently juggling? | 2.25 |
When do you work? | 2.25 |
Do your habits mostly align with achieving your goals or decrease your chances of success? | 7 |
Do you maintain spiritual practices that you believe give you access to more power than you would have otherwise? | 5 |
Are you focused on a greater purpose than yourself? | 5 |
How easily can you name your top 5 life priorities? | 5 |
Are the central motivating aims of your life extremely clear to you? | 5 |
Would you say that your life is more about doing or simply being? | 5 |
Do you take chances on pathways that require you to be vulnerable and to take risks? | 5 |
How important is living a responsible life to you? | 5 |
Where do you consider yourself in terms of your level of spirituality? | 5 |
How well would you say you do the right thing when no one is watching? | 5 |
How frequently do you resolve issues that interfere with your sense of integrity (living up to your strongly held values)? | 5 |